Perspective on Current Market Volatility
Submitted by First & Main Financial Planners - East Bay Area: Oakland, CA on November 26th, 2018
U.S. stocks started a correction on October 4th.
September, on average, is the worst month for stocks in the U.S. and October has a history of memorable volatility but it has also periodically served as the turn-around month for bad Septembers.
Q1 2018 Market Summary
Submitted by First & Main Financial Planners - East Bay Area: Oakland, CA on August 1st, 2018
37.50% - U.S. momentum stocks 7.77% - Global high yield bonds
To Fear or Fear Not
Submitted by First & Main Financial Planners - East Bay Area: Oakland, CA on June 22nd, 2018We have lot of people who come to us who quickly say they wished they’d come to us many years before.
Financial Planning
Submitted by First & Main Financial Planners - East Bay Area: Oakland, CA on May 9th, 2018We get calls every week from people wanting to do a financial plan; but almost no one who calls is familiar with what a financial plan really is.
Folks are calling because they feel a bit lost and overwhelmed with their personal finances and they want a professional to give them very clear feedback and advice.
Am I saving enough for retirement?
Your Best Interests
Submitted by First & Main Financial Planners - East Bay Area: Oakland, CA on April 30th, 2018Decades ago a brave few souls took a look at the financial services industry and decided there must be a better way. Huge firms, primarily concerned with their own profits, were deep in it for themselves and while the pitch, products, and pricing have evolved over time, not much has changed with regards to the way these firms do business and treat their clients.
Should I Pay My Mortgage Early?
Submitted by First & Main Financial Planners - East Bay Area: Oakland, CA on April 6th, 2018Most people don’t like debt hanging over their head and a feeling of security comes from the idea they would own their house outright.
Q4 2017 - Market Summary
Submitted by First & Main Financial Planners - East Bay Area: Oakland, CA on January 11th, 2018Q4 2017 – January 4
The 60-40 Portfolio
Submitted by First & Main Financial Planners - East Bay Area: Oakland, CA on November 6th, 2017Have you ever heard of the 60-40 portfolio? 60% in stocks and 40% in bonds, or bonds and cash. This is the most common stock to bond allocation used for retirees.
Have you ever seen or done an Investor Risk Survey (IRS)?
Submitted by First & Main Financial Planners - East Bay Area: Oakland, CA on October 9th, 2017Theoretically investor risk surveys are going to pair a person’s risk tolerance with an appropriate portfolio which will help them “stay the course.”
When people try to sell me risk survey software they’re not selling how it will benefit my clients but how it will help me “engage more prospects,” and, “win more business.”